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We are a nonprofit founded in Whitehouse, Ohio that strives to help young men fighting mental illness. We want all young men to feel okay not being okay and able to become comfortable reaching out for help. 


Any and all donations provided to Men Vs Mind will go towards helping young men who cannot afford the mental health help on their own.


Please support young men with the fight against mental illness here; through the fee free nonprofit donation site Zeffy:

Get in Touch with our Team:

Please fill out the form on this page or email us directly at:


For applicants reaching out for financial assistance please include the following in your email to

  • Office and Therapist Info

    • Including office Phone Number​

  • Number of Sessions Requested

  • Number of Household Members

  • Insurance (Yes or No)

    • If yes, copy of card​

  • Copy of W2 and Household Income

  • Age and Gender (Males Ages 14-29)

Thank you for the message! Our team will review and be in touch shortly.

Calendar Pages

Upcoming Events

2024 March Madness Bracket Challenge:

$50.00 Entry Fee (1 Bracket per $50, Unlimited Entires)

          - Of that $50:

               - $25.00 goes to support MVM

               - $25.00 goes to a 'Winner Take All' pot

          - Buy-Ins can be made through our team's Zeffy link: Here

               - Please include a contact email so we can reach out with                     the Bracket Group details!

For any questions: please contact or submit a form through our 'Contact Us' page

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  • Donate
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Our Mission

Our purpose is to spread awareness and provide financial aid to young men struggling with mental health. We aim to do so by bringing compassion, inclusiveness, open mindedness, dedication, and resilience to the fight against the stigma around young men seeking mental health help. 

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